A merchant cash advance is a type of alternative financing that works best for businesses that accept credit cards via cash register transactions. If that describes your company and you need help to improve cash flow, a merchant cash advance could be right for you. The lender provides a one-time cash deposit upon approval. You then repay the advance through an automated deduction each day, week, or whatever your contract terms specify.
While deduction amounts vary from one lender to the next, two percent is a common amount. Structuring your repayment as a percentage of daily credit card receipts rather than a set amount means you pay more when business volume is higher and less when it is lower. Business owners appreciate this benefit since it allows them to manage their own budget much more efficiently.
Tips When Applying for a Merchant Cash Advance
Before you look into this type of alternative lending, know that you must have incorporated your business, have a business checking account, and accept credit cards. You will need to submit proof that your company has accepted credit cards for at least three months and that it takes in at least $2,000 per month in credit card sales. We also recommend that you locate business bank statements for at least the past three months to submit to the lender.
Knowing your credit score is always a good idea before applying for any type of loan or advance. This is especially important if you have potentially negative information such as a bankruptcy, judgment, or tax lien. The lender may be able to work with you if you can explain the reason for the public records before completing your application for a merchant cash advance.
Another reason that reviewing your credit file is important is that it may contain errors. Should you spot an error, notify the credit reporting agency of the correct information. Federal law gives credit reporting agencies 30 days to correct mistakes that consumers brought to their attention or provide an explanation for why the information they have on file is correct.
Please contact Navigate Firm today to learn more about applying for a merchant cash advance.