Posts filed under: Blog

Understanding Asset-Based Lending

Are you looking for alternative ways to ensure an ongoing flow of capital for your business? If so, it may be time to consider asset-based lending. Some examples of assets...... Read More

What Investors Absolutely Need To Know About Commercial Real Estate

Putting money into the right investments can produce some wonderful benefits for consumers. Naturally, finding an opportunity that will yield you guaranteed results is far from simple. Luckily, you will...... Read More

Start or Grow Your Projects with Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding can be a great option for businesses that are looking to cover start-up costs and get off the ground. Crowdfunding allows a lot of people who know you to...... Read More

Business Survival Tips for 2021

It’s safe to say that 2020 was rough for every business owner. This means most will spend a good part of 2021 trying to recover from last year. Here are...... Read More

Tips for Managing a Virtual Team

Remote working has been practiced to a limited degree for a long time, but nowadays many more people are having to adjust to it than previously. This creates challenges in...... Read More

Debt vs. Equity Financing

There are different ways you can get money for your business, and some of the best options are debt and equity financing. Debt financing is a loan – you borrow...... Read More

A Complete Equipment Leasing Guide for Small Business Owners

The right equipment is necessary for a successful business. However, it can be difficult to justify purchasing some equipment for your company, especially if you would not use it often...... Read More

Construction Loans 101

Construction loans provide financing for future homeowners to purchase materials and labor for the construction of a home. Most often, the materials and labor are purchased for use on land...... Read More

The Best Accounts Receivable Financing

There are many ways to get financing for your business. However, depending on your company’s credit history and other financial factors, you may not qualify for a traditional loan through...... Read More

Slow Paying Clients? Try Construction Factoring

Many people are starting construction projects to build their homes and commercial premises. As a professional in the construction business, such individuals are likely to hire you and your company...... Read More